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Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council on Accelerating the Building of a large Unified National Market

Release time: 2022-04-26 Page Views: 44282

The Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council on Accelerating the Construction of a large Unified National Market are opinions put forward for accelerating the construction of a large unified national market from an overall and strategic height。Released on April 10, 2022。 

The Opinions put forward that China will build a national unified large market from the aspects of infrastructure system construction and market facilities construction

Opinion release

Building a national unified large market is the basic support and internal requirements for building a new development pattern. In order to accelerate the construction of a national unified large market from an overall and strategic height, the following opinions are put forward。

In April 2022, the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council on Accelerating the Construction of a Large Unified National Market" has been published by the People's Publishing House and will be distributed in Xinhua bookstores nationwide from now on。This book includes the full text of the Opinions and the interview of the Xinhua News Agency reporter to the responsible comrades of the National Development and Reform Commission。 

Full text of opinion

General requirement

(1) Guiding ideology。Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,We will fully implement the principles of the 19th National Congress and all its plenary sessions,Carry forward the great spirit of Party building,Adhere to the general principle of seeking progress while maintaining stability,Implement the new development concept in a complete, accurate and comprehensive manner,We will accelerate the building of a new pattern of development,Comprehensively deepen reform and opening up,Innovation-driven development,We will promote high-quality development,We will continue to focus on supply-side structural reform,Its fundamental purpose is to meet the people's ever-growing needs for a better life,Balance development and security,Give full play to the guiding, standardizing and guaranteeing role of the rule of law,We will accelerate the establishment of a unified national market system and rules,Break down local protection and market segmentation,Open up the key blocking point that restricts the economic cycle,We will promote the unimpeded flow of commodity factor resources on a wider scale,We will accelerate the development of a large, unified national market that is efficient, standardized, fair and open to competition,Comprehensively promote China's market from large to strong transformation,It will provide strong support for building a high-standard market system and a high-level socialist market economy。

(2) Working principles

-- Based on domestic demand, smooth circulation。We will create and lead demand with high-quality supply, make production, distribution, circulation and consumption more smooth, improve market operation efficiency, further consolidate and expand the advantages of market resources, and make building a super-large domestic market a sustainable historical process。

-- Make breakthroughs and improve systems simultaneously。From the perspective of institutional development, we will clarify the phased goals and requirements, press ahead with the development of a unified market, adhere to a problem-oriented approach, strive to solve prominent contradictions and problems, speed up the clearing up and abolition of various regulations and practices that impede the unified market and fair competition, and break all kinds of closed small markets and self-defeating small cycles。

-- Efficient market and successful government。Adhere to the principle of market and rule of law,We will give full play to the decisive role of the market in allocating resources,Better play the role of the government,Strengthen the position of competition policy as the foundation,We will accelerate the transformation of government functions,Make full use of the advantages of hyperscale market,Let demand better lead to optimize supply,Let supply better serve and expand demand,To unify the large market to gather resources, promote growth, stimulate innovation, optimize the division of labor, promote competition。

-- Systematic coordination and steady progress。Continuously improve the unity of policies, the consistency of rules, and the coordination of implementation,Scientifically grasp the steps and progress of market scale, structure, organization, space, environment and mechanism construction,We should attach equal importance to both regulation and distribution,We will improve the effectiveness of government oversight,Enhance the ability to dynamically maintain market stability and economic security in an open environment,We will expand the influence and radiation of the unified market in an orderly manner。

(3) Main objectives

-- Continue to promote efficient and unimpeded access to the domestic market and expand its scale。Give full play to the advantages of the market to promote competition and deepen the division of labor,To further open up the channel between improving market efficiency, improving labor productivity, increasing household income, expanding market players, improving supply quality, and optimizing and upgrading demand,Strive to form a domestic cycle of mutual promotion of supply and demand, production and marketing, smooth and efficient,Expand the market size capacity,Continue to cultivate and develop a strong domestic market,Maintain and enhance the strong attraction to global enterprises and resources。

-- Accelerating the development of a stable, fair, transparent and predictable business environment。Guided by the needs of market entities, we will streamline administration, adhere to law-based administration, exercise fair and impartial regulation, continue to improve services, and accelerate the development of a market-oriented and law-based international business environment。We will give full play to the comparative advantages of various regions and create a sound environment for investment and business development of various market entities in light of local conditions。

-- Further reducing market transaction costs。We will give full play to the scale and agglomeration effects of the market, strengthen and improve anti-monopoly and anti-unfair competition law enforcement and justice, remove institutional barriers that impede the market-based allocation of factors of production and the circulation of goods and services, and reduce institutional transaction costs。We will promote the construction of a modern circulation system and reduce the cost of circulation for the whole society。

-- Promoting scientific and technological innovation and industrial upgrading。The ultra-large market has the advantages of rich application scenarios and magnification of innovation benefits, guiding the effective allocation of innovation resources through market demand, promoting the orderly flow and rational allocation of innovation factors, improving the system and mechanism for promoting the market-oriented application of independent innovation achievements, and supporting scientific and technological innovation and the development of emerging industries。

-- Cultivating new advantages in international competition and cooperation。With the support of a large domestic cycle and a unified large market, we will make effective use of global factors and market resources to better connect the domestic market with the international market。We will promote institutional openness, increase our influence in the innovation chain of the global industrial chain and supply chain, and increase our voice in international economic governance。

Second, we will strengthen the unification of basic market institutions and rules

4. Improving the unified property rights protection system。We will improve the system of equal protection of property rights under all forms of ownership in accordance with the law。We will improve the unified and standardized judicial system for law enforcement cases involving property rights disputes,Strengthen coordination between law enforcement and judicial departments,We will further standardize the rules and procedures for enforcing property-related compulsory measures in the field of law enforcement,We will further clarify and unify standards for administrative law enforcement and judicial adjudication,We will improve the mechanism for linking administrative law enforcement with criminal justice,Protecting the property rights of enterprises and the personal and property safety of entrepreneurs in accordance with the law。We will promote innovation in the intellectual property litigation system, improve the cross-regional jurisdiction system of intellectual property courts, and smooth the docking mechanism of intellectual property litigation with arbitration and mediation。

5. Implementing a unified market access system。Strictly implement the "national one list" management model, prohibit all regions and departments from issuing negative lists with market access nature on their own, and maintain the unity, seriousness and authority of the negative list system for market access。To study and improve market access efficiency evaluation indicators, and steadily carry out market access efficiency evaluation。We will carry out the registration of market entities in accordance with the law, establish a unified national registration data standard and an industry word database for the independent declaration of enterprise names, and gradually achieve a unified expression of business scope registration。We will formulate a national list of universal qualifications, unify and standardize evaluation procedures and management methods, and enhance the effectiveness of national mutual recognition and mutual use。

6. Maintaining a unified system of fair competition。We will treat all market players on an equal footing。We will improve the institutional framework and policy implementation mechanism for fair competition, establish a mechanism to ensure coordination between fair competition policies and industrial policies, and optimize and improve the implementation methods of industrial policies。We will improve the system of anti-monopoly laws and rules, accelerate the revision of the Anti-Monopoly Law and the Anti-Unfair Competition Law, improve the review system for fair competition, study review rules in key areas and industries, improve review mechanisms, unify review standards, standardize review procedures, and improve review effectiveness。

7. Improve and unify the social credit system。We will draw up a national basic catalogue of public credit information, improve credit information standards, establish a mechanism for sharing and integrating public credit information with financial information, and form a credit information network covering all credit subjects, all types of credit information, and all regions of the country。We will establish and improve a new credit-based regulatory mechanism, comprehensively promote the credit commitment system, establish a comprehensive evaluation system for enterprise credit status, optimize the allocation of regulatory resources based on credit risk, and draw up a basic list of national disciplinary measures for breach of trust in accordance with laws and regulations。We will improve mechanisms for encouraging trustworthiness and punishing dishonesty, and combine punishment for dishonesty with punishment for corruption。We will improve the credit repair mechanism。We will accelerate legislation on social credit。

Third, promote high-standard connectivity of market facilities

8. Building a modern distribution network。We will improve the layout of commercial circulation infrastructure, accelerate digital construction, promote integrated development of online and offline, and create more new platforms, new business forms and new models for commercial circulation。Promote the construction of the national logistics hub network, vigorously develop multimodal transport, and promote standardized pallet and plate transport mode。We will vigorously develop third-party logistics, support the construction of digital third-party logistics delivery platforms, promote technological and business model innovation in the third-party logistics industry, cultivate a number of digital platform enterprises and supply chain enterprises with global influence, and promote the cost reduction and efficiency increase of logistics in the whole society。We will strengthen the construction of the emergency logistics system, improve the fortification level and disaster resilience of transportation facilities and logistics stations in areas at high risk of disasters, and actively guard against the risk of supply shortages of food, energy and other important products。We will improve the national comprehensive and three-dimensional transport network, promote the construction of multi-level integrated and comprehensive transport hubs, and promote the integrated development of transport facilities across regions。We will establish and improve infrastructure networks for urban-rural integration, regional connectivity, and secure and efficient telecommunications and energy。

9. Improving market information exchange channels。We will unify the mechanism for releasing information on property rights transactions and connect property rights trading markets across the country。Optimize the release channels of important information such as industry announcements and publicity, and promote the interoperability and sharing of market public information in various fields。We will improve the information disclosure of market players and facilitate information interconnection among market players。Promote the unified interface construction of the same type and same purpose information authentication platform, improve the interface standards, and promote the flow and efficient use of market information。Information on market entities, investment projects, output and production capacity will be disclosed in accordance with the law to guide a dynamic balance between supply and demand。

(10) Promoting the optimization and upgrading of trading platforms。Deepen the integration and sharing of public resource trading platforms, and study and clarify the standards and ways for various types of public resource trading to be included in the unified platform system。Adhere to the principle that progress must be made, implement and improve the "separation of management and office" system, expand the coverage of public resources trading platforms to all types of public resources suitable for market-based allocation, accelerate the electronic process of public resources trading, and actively break down regional barriers in the field of public resources trading。We will accelerate the digital transformation and intelligent upgrading of commodity markets, and encourage the building of comprehensive commodity trading platforms。We will accelerate the construction of commodity futures spot markets and constantly improve trading rules。Trading platforms are encouraged to cooperate with financial institutions and intermediaries to develop a comprehensive service system covering property rights definition, price assessment, guarantee, insurance and other businesses in accordance with the law。

Fourth, create a unified factor and resource market

11. Improving unified urban and rural land and labor markets。We will coordinate the use of land for incremental construction and the use of existing construction land, implement unified planning, and strengthen unified management。We will improve the cross-regional trading mechanism for linking the increase or decrease of urban and rural construction land with the reduction of surplus indicators and supplementary arable land indicators。We will improve the national unified secondary market for the transfer, leasing and mortgage of the right to use construction land。We will improve a unified and standardized human resources market system to facilitate the smooth flow of labor and talent across regions。We will improve the policy of linking government transfer payments and the scale of new urban construction land with the citizenization of rural migrants。

Accelerating the development of a unified capital market。Unify the registration of movable property and rights security, and develop movable property financing in accordance with the law。We will strengthen the construction of important financial infrastructure and coordinate supervision, unify supervision standards, and improve access management。We will select regional equity markets with safe operation standards and strong risk management capabilities, carry out pilot programs of institutional and business innovation, and strengthen cooperation and convergence between regional equity markets and national securities markets。Promote bond market infrastructure connectivity and realize the free flow of bond market elements。We will develop supply chain finance and provide financial products that reach the main business entities in all circulation links。We will step up oversight of the capital market, improve a regulatory system with clear powers and responsibilities, clear division of labor, and smooth operation, and secure the bottom line for preventing systemic financial risks。We will continue to ensure that the financial sector serves the real economy and prevents it from turning from real to virtual。Set "traffic lights" for capital to prevent disorderly expansion of capital。

13. Accelerating the development of a unified technology and data market。Establish and improve a national technology trading market, improve the intellectual property evaluation and trading mechanism, and promote the interconnection of technology trading markets among different regions。We will improve the service system for sharing scientific and technological resources, encourage the exchange and interaction of scientific and technological information between different regions, promote the open sharing of major scientific research infrastructure and equipment, and increase international cooperation in science and technology。We will accelerate the development of a data element market, establish and improve basic systems and standards for data security, rights protection, cross-border transmission management, trade circulation, open sharing, and security certification, conduct in-depth surveys of data resources, and promote the development and utilization of data resources。

14. Building a unified national energy market。On the premise of effectively ensuring the security of energy supply, we will promote the construction of a national energy market in an orderly manner, combined with the goal of achieving carbon peak carbon neutrality。On the basis of overall planning and optimized layout, improve the oil and gas futures product system, standardize the construction of oil and gas trading centers, and optimize the layout of key infrastructure such as trading venues and delivery warehouses。We will promote the interconnection of oil and gas pipeline network facilities and open them to all types of market players in a fair manner。We will steadily advance the market-oriented reform of natural gas, and accelerate the establishment of a unified natural gas energy measurement and pricing system。Improve the multi-level unified electricity market system, and study and promote the timely establishment of a national electricity trading center。Further play the role of the national coal trading center, and promote the improvement of the national unified coal trading market。

(15) Foster and develop a unified national ecological environment market。Relying on the public resource trading platform, we will build a unified national carbon emission rights and water rights trading market, and implement unified and standardized industry standards and trading supervision mechanisms。We will promote market-oriented trading of emission and energy use rights, and explore the establishment of systems for initial distribution, paid use, market trading, dispute resolution, and supporting services。Promote the construction of green product certification and labeling system, and promote green production and green consumption。

Fifth, promote a high level of integration of goods and services markets

16. Improving the commodity quality system。We will establish a sound quality classification system, carry out extensive actions to upgrade the quality management system, and strengthen the management of the entire supply chain, the entire industrial chain, and the entire life cycle of products。Deepen the reform of the quality certification system, support social forces to carry out inspection and testing business, explore and promote the construction of metrology regional centers and national product quality inspection and testing centers, and promote cross-industry and cross-regional mutual recognition of certification results。We will bring the quality standards of major consumer goods in key areas into line with international standards, deepen international cooperation and mutual recognition of quality certification, implement product injury monitoring and prevention interventions, and improve the quality statistics and monitoring system。Promote domestic and foreign trade products in the same line, the same standard and the same quality。Further consolidate and expand the China Brand Day and other brand development communication platforms to improve the influence and awareness of Chinese brands。

(17) Improving standards and measurement systems。We will improve the structure of standards promulgated by the government and independently formulated by the market, and integrate and streamline national and industry standards。We will strengthen the verification, implementation, and supervision of standards, and improve standard systems in modern circulation, big data, artificial intelligence, blockchain, fifth-generation mobile communication (5G), the Internet of Things, and energy storage。We will carry out in-depth social experiments on artificial intelligence and promote the formulation of standards related to intelligent social governance。Promote the unification of standards in smart home, security and other fields, and explore the establishment of a smart device identification system。Accelerate the development of national unified standards and safety norms for intelligent recognition systems such as facial recognition, finger veins, and iris。In line with the needs of strategic emerging industries, high-tech industries, advanced manufacturing and other key areas, breakthroughs in a number of key measurement technologies, the development of a number of new standard substances, and constantly improve the national metrology system。We will promote the fair participation of domestic and foreign-funded enterprises in China's standardization work, and improve the transparency and openness of standard formulation and revision。Carry out international exchanges and cooperation on standards and measurement。Strengthen the internationalization of standard essential patents, and actively participate in and promote the formation of international intellectual property rules。

18. Comprehensively improving the quality of consumer services。We will improve the consumption environment and strengthen the protection of consumers' rights and interests。Accelerate the improvement and strict implementation of the defective product recall system, promote transnational and trans-regional market players to provide consumers with unified and convenient after-sales service, further open the return channels of goods in different places and different stores, and improve consumers' after-sales experience。Open channels for consumer complaints and reports, optimize the process of consumer dispute resolution and feedback mechanism, and explore and promote the linkage mechanism between departments working on consumer rights and interests protection。Establish and improve the consumer complaint information publicity system, and promote the source of consumer disputes。We will improve the management of prepaid consumption in service markets。In key areas of people's livelihood, such as housing, education and training, medical and health care, and nursing care for the elderly, we will promote the formation of an open list of consumer rights and interests protection matters, and improve the methods for handling disputes through consultation。 

6. Promote fair and unified market regulation

19. Improving unified market regulation rules。We will strengthen administrative and legislative work on market supervision, improve market supervision procedures, strengthen standardization and standardization of market supervision, publicize regulatory standards and rules in accordance with the law, and make market supervision systems and policies more stable and predictable。In key areas such as food and drug safety that have a direct bearing on people's health and life safety, we will implement the strictest standards, the strictest supervision, the strictest penalties, and the strictest accountability。We will promote integrated online and offline regulation of new business forms such as Internet medical care, online education and training, and online entertainment。Strengthen unified and fair supervision in the field of engineering construction, and strictly investigate and punish violations of discipline and law according to law。Strengthen risk monitoring and supervision of important industrial products, and urge enterprises to implement the main responsibility for quality and safety。Give full play to the role of industry associations and chambers of commerce, establish an effective government-enterprise communication mechanism, and form a new model of diversified governance featuring government supervision, platform self-discipline, industry autonomy, and social supervision。

20. Strengthening unified market supervision and law enforcement。We will promote comprehensive law enforcement capacity building for safeguarding the unified market, and strengthen law enforcement for intellectual property protection, anti-monopoly, and anti-unfair competition。Strengthen inter-departmental interaction,Establish a working mechanism for the linkage between comprehensive supervision departments and industry supervision departments,Co-ordinate enforcement resources,Reduce the level of enforcement,Harmonize law enforcement standards and procedures,Standardize law enforcement behavior,Less discretion,Promote fair and equitable law enforcement,We will improve the effectiveness of comprehensive law enforcement,We will explore ways to establish authorized supervision and law enforcement in relevant industries。Encourage cross-administrative regions to jointly issue unified regulatory policies, regulations and standards in accordance with regulations, actively carry out joint law enforcement, innovate joint supervision models, and strengthen cooperation in investigation and collection of evidence and case handling。

21. Comprehensively improving market oversight capabilities。We will deepen the reform of streamlining administration, delegating power, strengthening regulation, and improving services. We will improve the "double random and one open" regulation, credit regulation, "Internet plus regulation," and cross-departmental coordination regulation, and strengthen the convergence and coordination of various types of regulation。Make full use of big data and other technical means to accelerate smart regulation, and improve the information level of cross-provincial coordination, sharing and cooperation in market supervision and government services, online transaction supervision, consumer rights and interests protection, and key product traceability。Establish and improve cross-administrative regional network supervision and cooperation mechanisms, and encourage industry associations and chambers of commerce, news media, consumers and the public to jointly conduct supervision and evaluation。We will place equal emphasis on regulatory norms and promoting development for new business forms and models, and promptly fill gaps in regulations and standards。

Vii. Further regulate improper market competition and market intervention

22. Intensify anti-monopoly efforts。We will improve the legal rules governing the identification of monopoly behavior, and improve the anti-monopoly review system for the concentration of business operators by classification and classification。Break the problems such as data monopoly of platform enterprises, and prevent the use of data, algorithms, technical means and other means to exclude and restrict competition。We will strengthen the centralized examination of business operators in the fields of finance, media, science and technology, and people's livelihood, as well as those involving start-ups, new business forms, and labor-intensive industries, improve the quality and efficiency of the examination, and strengthen the identification, early warning, and prevention of monopoly risks。We will steadily advance the reform of natural monopoly industries, and strengthen supervision over network-based natural monopoly links such as power grids and oil and gas pipelines。We will strengthen the protection of original innovation and intellectual property rights of innovative small and medium-sized enterprises。

(23) Investigate and punish acts of unfair competition according to law。In key industries and areas that reflect strongly on market players and consumers, we will strengthen the enforcement of competition supervision across the whole chain to ensure fair competition through fair supervision。Strengthen the regulation of unfair competition in new business forms such as platform economy and sharing economy, rectify the network black and gray industry chain, and control new types of unfair competition on the network。We will improve cross-departmental and cross-administrative mechanisms for information sharing and coordination in anti-unfair competition law enforcement, and improve the unity, authority and coordination of law enforcement。Establish cross-administrative mechanisms for the transfer of anti-unfair competition cases, law enforcement assistance, and joint law enforcement, and smooth consultation channels and mutual discretion standards for new, difficult, and typical cases。

(24) Removing local protection and regional barriers。We will guide all regions in their comprehensive comparative advantages, the carrying capacity of resources and the environment, the industrial base, and the ability to prevent and avoid disasters, identify their own functional positioning, and refrain from pursuing large-scale foreign development, low-level repetitive construction, and excessive homogenous competition. We will not engage in a "small but complete" self-small cycle, let alone engage in regional blockade in the name of "internal cycle"。Establish a catalogue of preferential policies for enterprises and make them available to the public in a timely manner,Timely review and repeal regional policies that impede the unification of the market and fair competition, including local protection, market segmentation, and designated transactions,A comprehensive review of all kinds of preferential policies that discriminate against foreign and foreign enterprises and implement local protection,We will strictly conduct fair competition review on newly introduced policies。We will strengthen coordination and cooperation in inter-regional industrial transfer projects, establish a mechanism for coordinating and solving major problems, and promote the rational distribution of industries and further optimization of the division of labor。We encourage all regions to continue to improve the business environment, carry out activities to attract investment in accordance with the law, prevent vicious competition in attracting investment, and attract more high-quality enterprises to invest with high-quality institutional supply and institutional innovation。

(v) Eliminate regulatory practices that impede equal access and exit under the law。Except as clearly stipulated by laws and regulations, enterprises shall not be required to register in a certain place, and obstacles shall not be set up for enterprises to operate or relocate across regions。Unreasonable and discriminatory entry and exit conditions shall not be set to restrict the free flow of goods and services and factor resources。It shall not set up access barriers in the form of filing, registration, annual inspection, identification, certification, designation, or requiring the establishment of a branch company, or in disguised form。It shall not set qualification requirements, technical requirements, inspection standards or evaluation standards for foreign enterprises that are significantly higher than those for local operators in terms of qualification recognition and business licensing。We will review and standardize the preconditions and approval standards for administrative examination and approval, licensing, record-keeping and other government services,Government services shall not be converted into intermediary services,Without the basis of laws and regulations, enterprises shall not be required to test, inspect, certify, appraise, notarize and provide certificates before government services,Approval and paid services shall not be conducted in disguise。Without fair competition, operators shall not be granted franchise rights, and they shall not restrict the operation, purchase and use of goods and services provided by specific operators。

(26) Continue to clean up the regulations and practices in the field of bidding and procurement that violate the construction of the unified market。The formulation of rules for bidding and government procurement systems shall be conducted in strict accordance with the relevant provisions of the State for fair competition review and legality review。In tendering and bidding and government procurement, it is strictly prohibited to illegally limit or designate specific patents, trademarks, brands, parts and components, origin, suppliers, and it is not allowed to illegally set qualifications, technology, business conditions, etc. that are not compatible with the specific characteristics and actual needs of the bidding and procurement projects。It shall not illegally restrict the bidder's location, ownership form, organizational form, or set other unreasonable conditions to exclude or restrict the operator's participation in bidding and procurement activities。We will promote the electronization of the entire tendering and bidding process, accelerate the improvement of the rules and technical standards of the electronic tendering and bidding system, and promote the sharing of resources such as high-quality bid evaluation experts across regions and industries。

8. Organizing and implementing safeguards

27. Strengthen Party leadership。All regions and departments should fully understand the importance of building a national unified large market for the construction of a new development pattern, and earnestly unify the thinking and action of the Party Central Committee's decision-making and deployment, so as to achieve a national game, unify the large market, smooth the circulation, and ensure that all key tasks are implemented。

28. Improving incentive and restraint mechanisms。We will explore and study standards and guidelines for building a unified national large market, and reward regions that actively promote the implementation of the construction of a unified national large market and achieve outstanding results in accordance with relevant state regulations。We have issued a list of problems with improper interference in the construction of a national unified large market, established a system for reporting and interviewing typical cases and correcting problems, and focused on solving the problems of improper market interference and improper competition that impede the construction of a national unified large market。

29. Giving priority to regional coordination。We implemented major regional strategies and coordinated regional development strategies,We will encourage the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the Yangtze River Delta, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the Chengdu-Chongqing Twin City economic Circle, and the middle reaches of the Yangtze River City cluster,Under the premise of maintaining a unified national market,We will give priority to building regional market integration,Establish and improve regional cooperation mechanisms,Actively summarize and replicate typical experiences and practices。

(30) Forming synergy。All regions and departments shall, according to the division of responsibilities, faithfully implement the requirements of these Opinions, and carry out self-inspection and liquidation of whether there are provisions and actual conditions in their regions and departments that hinder the construction of a unified national large market。The National Development and Reform Commission and the State Administration of Market Regulation, together with relevant departments, have established and improved the departmental coordination mechanism for promoting the construction of a unified large market across the country, strengthened overall coordination, strengthened tracking and evaluation, and urged all parties to promptly implement the plan。Strengthen publicity guidance and supervision by public opinion, and create a good social atmosphere for the construction of a unified large market across the country。Timely request instructions and report to the Party Central Committee and The State Council on major matters。

Content interpretation edit broadcast

The "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council on Accelerating the Construction of a large Unified National Market" provides a program of action for the construction of a large unified national market in the coming period from an overall and strategic perspective;Strengthen the unity of market basic institutions and rules;Promoting high-standard connectivity of market facilities;Create a unified factor and resource market;Promote a high level of unity in the markets for goods and services;We will promote fair and unified market regulation。Further regulate improper market competition and market intervention;We will accelerate the development of a large unified national market that is efficient, standardized, fair competition, and fully open, and comprehensively promote the transformation of China's market from large to strong, so as to provide strong support for building a high-standard market system and a high-level socialist market economy。

What is the unified great market?

The unified big market refers to a large market in which the basic system and rules of the market are unified, the facilities of the market are connected to a high standard, the factors and resources market, and the goods and services market are unified at a high level, and the supervision of the market should be fair and unified, and improper market competition and market intervention behavior should be further standardized。

Guo Liyan, Director of the Comprehensive Situation Research Office of the Chinese Academy of Macroeconomic Research: We must comprehensively consolidate the achievements of the smooth circulation of the domestic economic system,One of the key moves is to build a national unified large market,It is conducive to further stimulate and cultivate the potential of the domestic market,It provides a good support for us to resist external uncertainties with our own maximum certainty。

There are two highlights in building a national unified market:

Experts said that the proposed construction of a national unified large market, there are two highlights, the first highlight is to adhere to the break and hold the "stand", clear the goal and task of the establishment of regulations;On the other hand, we will "break" and break market monopolies and unfair competition practices that violate the unified market。

The second highlight is that people come first,Quality first,Improve the commodity quality system,To comprehensively improve the quality of consumer services,Have made clear provisions,比如,Smooth return and exchange channels of goods in different places and different stores,The harshest penalties will be imposed on food and drug safety and other key areas directly related to people's health and life safety。

Comprehensively promote the transformation of the domestic market from "big" to "strong"

Experts said that the release of the "Opinions on accelerating the construction of a national unified large market" clearly needs to deal with three kinds of relationships, the first relationship is the relationship between the big market and the strong market。

如今,China not only has a large scale and the overall market obvious advantages,In the future, it is also necessary to make the construction of a super-large domestic market a sustainable historical process,First step,Is to build a large market,From the market basic system rules, market platform facilities, elements and resource market and other dimensions,We will promote the development of a unified national market with high standards and high standards。

Secondly, on the basis of a large market, we should build a strong market to achieve a dynamic balance between the supply and demand of the national economy at a higher level and level, and become a strong engine to drive high-quality economic development。

Guo Liyan, Director of the Comprehensive Situation Research Department of the Chinese Academy of Macroeconomic Research: A strong market is not only a market with a larger scale and scope,More importantly, the structure is better,Then the quality of market development is higher,Institutional rules are more complete,On this basis for the world,It is more influential and attractive to such a modern market circular system。

Unified large market better smooth double cycle

To speed up the construction of a national unified large market, we must deal with the second relationship is the relationship between a unified large market and a smooth double cycle。

From the perspective of smooth domestic circulation, the construction of a national unified large market, through the strict implementation of the "national list" management model, improve the unified social credit system and other measures, to solve the key areas and key links of improper intervention, hidden barriers and other prominent problems, and fully open up the blocking point restricting the domestic cycle。

From the smooth domestic and international double cycle,The construction of a unified large market,It can promote better connectivity between domestic and international markets,We will promote integration of rules and standards in domestic and foreign markets,It is conducive to the domestic unified large market as the "core" to strongly attract overseas high-end factor resources to converge inward,So as to provide basic support for accelerating the construction of a new development pattern。

Remove local protection and regional barriers

The third relationship to be dealt with in the document on the construction of a unified large market issued by the State is to deal with the relationship between unity and regionalism。

The opinions of this time are clear that the unification of the large market is not uniform, but on the premise of maintaining the national unified large market, combined with the implementation of major regional strategies and regional coordinated development strategies, priority is given to the construction of regional market integration。

Guo Liyan, director of the comprehensive situation Research Office of the Chinese Academy of Macroeconomic Research: It is like the integration of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei,Like the Yangtze River Delta.,Like the Greater Bay Area,There are also the Chengdu-Chongqing twin city economic circle and so on this area,The unity of the market in factor resources,The unification of market platform facilities and so on,They have accumulated a series of experience and practices in promoting regional integration of the market,The construction of these regional models also provides a good and favorable support for the national unified large market。

At the same time, the construction of a unified large market must resolutely break down local protection and regional barriers, and each region cannot engage in a "small but complete" self-small cycle, let alone engage in regional blockade in the name of "internal cycle", and comprehensively clean up all kinds of preferential policies that discriminate against foreign-funded enterprises and foreign enterprises。

It is clearly proposed to establish a unified market system and rules, break local protection and market segmentation, break through the key blocking points of the economic cycle, promote the smooth flow of commodity factors and resources, and build a large unified national market that is efficient, standardized, fair competition, and fully open。Accelerating the building of a large unified national market is a major plan made by the Party Central Committee and The State Council from an overall and strategic perspective based on the new development stage and the construction of a new development pattern。

The super-large domestic market is one of the great advantages to support the high-quality development of China's economy。At present, there are still outstanding problems in China's market system, such as non-uniform system rules, non-smooth flow of factor resources, and local protection, which affect the market function and scale efficiency。In particular, some places have engaged in regional closures in the name of "internal circulation", and some places have even set up regional barriers and restricted the flow of goods under the pretext of epidemic prevention and control, which has hindered the acceleration of the construction of a unified national market。

Aiming at the blocking points and card points in the construction of the unified large market,The "Opinions" stressed the need to make breakthroughs at the same time,Create and lead demand with high-quality supply,Further consolidate and expand the advantages of market resources,Making the construction of a super-large domestic market a sustainable historical process,This has pointed out the direction for promoting the construction of a unified large market across the country。To be specific,One should grasp "standing" in one hand.,Focus on institutional construction,Define phased goals and tasks,Strengthen the establishment of fair competition market rules,Push forward the construction of unified market;The other hand should grasp "broken",Adhere to problem orientation,Focus on market monopoly and improper competitive behavior,Target persistent problems such as local protections and regional barriers,Speed up the elimination of regulations and practices that impede the unified market and fair competition,Remove all visible and invisible fences and walls,Let all kinds of closed small markets, self-small cycle nowhere to hide。

The "Opinions" have clarified the basic path to promote the construction of a unified large market across the country。Put forward a set of institutional design and policy "combination",We have strengthened the logic of reform, which is based on unified institutional rules, supported by high-standard infrastructure connectivity, focused on unifying factor and resource markets, aimed at unifying goods and services markets at a high level, and guaranteed by fair and unified market regulation,At the same time, it emphasizes the further regulation of improper market competition and market intervention behavior,It reflects the central government's determination to build a high-standard market system and a high-level socialist market economy。

Building a large unified national market is a systematic project that will not be achieved overnight, nor will it go hand in hand。It should be pointed out that,In the process of building a national unified large market,It is necessary to accurately understand the requirements of the Opinions on "giving priority to the construction of regional market integration",Under the premise of maintaining a unified national market,In conjunction with the implementation of major regional strategies in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the Yangtze River Delta, and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area,We will promote pioneering experiments and actively form replicable institutional results。At the same time, it is necessary to avoid strengthening the economic competition between regions through market segmentation, and stimulate the vitality of the market more fully by promoting the construction of the national unified large market。

Opinion interpretation edit broadcast

Interpretation 1

Building a large unified national market is the basic support and internal requirement for building a new development pattern。Clear opinion,We will accelerate the establishment of a unified national market system and rules,Break down local protection and market segmentation,Open up the key blocking point that restricts the economic cycle,We will promote the unimpeded flow of commodity factor resources on a wider scale,We will accelerate the development of a large, unified national market that is efficient, standardized, fair and open to competition,Comprehensively promote China's market from large to strong transformation,It will provide strong support for building a high-standard market system and a high-level socialist market economy。

According to the opinions, the working principles for accelerating the construction of a national unified large market are: based on domestic demand and smooth circulation;Make simultaneous efforts to improve the system;Efficient market, successful government;System coordination, steady progress。The main goals are to continue to promote the efficient and smooth expansion of the domestic market, accelerate the creation of a stable, fair, transparent and predictable business environment, further reduce market transaction costs, promote scientific and technological innovation and industrial upgrading, and cultivate new advantages in participating in international competition and cooperation。

The opinions adhere to the problem-oriented, make breakthroughs at the same time, and clarify the key tasks of accelerating the construction of a large and unified national market from six aspects。From a standing point of view, the opinion is clear to do a good job of "five reunification"。First, we will strengthen the unity of basic market institutions and rules。Second, we will promote high-standard connectivity of market facilities。Third, create a unified factor and resource market。Fourth, we will promote a high level of unity in the markets for goods and services。Fifth, we will promote fair and unified market regulation。From the perspective of breaking, the opinions clearly need to further regulate improper market competition and market intervention behavior。

The guideline stressed that strengthening the Party's leadership, improving the incentive and restraint mechanism, giving priority to promoting regional cooperation, and forming joint efforts。

Interpretation 2

The Opinions require,要Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,We will accelerate the establishment of a unified national market system and rules,Break down local protection and market segmentation,Open up the key blocking point that restricts the economic cycle,We will promote the unimpeded flow of commodity factor resources on a wider scale,We will accelerate the development of a large, unified national market that is efficient, standardized, fair and open to competition,Comprehensively promote China's market from large to strong transformation,It will provide strong support for building a high-standard market system and a high-level socialist market economy。

The "Opinions" take "based on domestic demand, smooth circulation", "create and break simultaneously, improve the system", "effective market, for the government", "systematic coordination, steady promotion" as the working principle。

The main objectives are: to continue to promote the efficient and smooth expansion of the domestic market;Accelerate the development of a stable, fair, transparent and predictable business environment;Further reduce market transaction costs;Promoting scientific and technological innovation and industrial upgrading;Foster new advantages in international competition and cooperation。

The "Opinions" put forward clear requirements on strengthening the unification of basic market institutions and rules, promoting the high-standard connectivity of market facilities, creating a unified factor and resource market, promoting the high-level unification of the goods and services market, promoting fair and unified market supervision, and further regulating improper market competition and market intervention。

The Opinions stressed the need to strengthen the Party's leadership。All regions and departments should fully understand the importance of building a national unified large market for the construction of a new development pattern, and earnestly unify the thinking and action of the Party Central Committee's decision-making and deployment, so as to achieve a national game, unify the large market, smooth the circulation, and ensure that all key tasks are implemented。

All regions and departments shall strictly implement the requirements of these Opinions according to the division of responsibilities, and carry out self-inspection and liquidation of whether there are provisions and actual conditions in their regions and departments that hinder the construction of a unified national large market。 

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